Sky Ryders Drum & Bugle Corps

"The Official Site"

"Somehow, Someday, Somewhere, ..."


One Day We Will Return

1960 Sky Ryders Drum & Bugle Corps Scores


"The Official Site"

1960 American Legion National Chamionships Scores

Miami, FL

Sunday October 16, 1960

Junior Division
(1) Garfield Cadets 84.98
(2) Bracken Cavaliers 81.28
(3) Audubon Bon Bons 78.28
(4) Miami Vanguard 75.05
(5) Royal Airs 74.96
(6) Sky Ryders 71.45
(7) St. Lucy's Cadets 70.51
(8) Andrews Sabres 60.70
(9) Flamingos 38.25
(10) Miami Beach Vikings 36.23


Blue Skies (from Alexander's Ragtime Band) | Off We Go Into The Wild Blue Yonder | Somewhere Over the Rainbow (from the Wizard of Oz) | My Country 'Tis of Thee | Stars and Stripes Forever | Battle Hymn of the Republic | Shangri-La | National Emblem March | Bye Bye Blues


Sky Ryders Drum & Bugle Corps- the Official Site© 2006: 1960 American Legion National Finals

Somewhere Over the Rainbow...

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